ASAM-Atelierele Speciale

Atelierele Speciale Autocamioane Medias S.R.L. (A.S.A.M.)

The activity area of ​​the company Atelierele Speciale Autocamioane Medias S.R.L., consists in:
• production and repair of tankers and semi-trailers tankers for liquefied petroleum, automotive and aviation fuels (various capacities), tankers and semi-trailers tankers for chemical liquids, hot bitumen transport, feed liquids, industrial water and drinking water,
• production and repair of tankers and semi-trailers tankers for residues, for oil residues, dangerous (various capacities),
• production of shelves for the transport of technical gases, sub-chemicals, shelving platforms,
• ADR technical inspections (according to ADR norms) for vehicles transporting dangerous products.


Aurel Vlaicu Street, no. 41, Medias 551041, Jud. Sibiu, Romania

Phone +40 269 833 111
Fax: +40 269 833 100
